Update/install imagemagick

im showing you here how to update/install  imagemagick on ubuntu /mint 14.04 and also 14.10.
be sure to have the apt sources list enabled too, well most experienced usrers wuill have done that.

open a terminal and paste/ run the following lines in the right order as written here :

cd ~

sudo apt-get install build-essential checkinstall && apt-get build-dep imagemagick -y

wget http://www.imagemagick.org/download/ImageMagick.tar.gz

tar xzvf ImageMagick.tar.gz

cd  ImageMagick*/

sudo ./configure –prefix=/usr && sudo  make

sudo checkinstall

Enjoy it !

Imagemagick is a powerful image processing library with two wonderful tools convert and mogrify.
You can do nearly every image conversation with it p.ex adaptive image resizing, complex image blurring, edge detection merge or split images remove image background get pixels in a list with the color values etc etc.

It is worth testing  it if you don `t know what imagemagick is. There are also windows binarys of imagemagick on several sites.

The newer versions does include some features that are not available on the standard Ubuntu os ( even on utopic) , so i thought i might write a tutorial how to update it on a forum that needs visitors.

Thx for reading

Posted by: bluedxca93-web-blog.coolpage.biz on